
The IMTLazarus Reseller Certification Program is an “on-site” or remote training where our team will take our partners through the entire sales cycle and the implementation and maintenance process with the best practices for our customers.

Our certification system defines the groups of people that need to be certified, so that the companies or collaborating partners obtain the required certification to be part of the IMTLazarus solution ecosystem.

We have two types of training partners:


This is our main level for IMT resellers. Partners at this level are fully certified to sell to their customers, which involves taking IMTLazarus Academy courses and keeping up to date with refresher courses.


  • 20% commission on active licenses
  • Manufacturer support

Required staff certifications:

  • 1 Sales
  • 1 Operations
  • 1 Technical

Strategic distributors

This is our top level. Resellers at this level, in addition to complying with the main level, will also be able to support the customer directly without intermediation from IMTLazarus at level 2 support.
A minimum number of active licenses will be required and, additionally, they can get access to beta functionalities.


  • 35% commission on active licenses
  • Manufacturer support
  • Expert training discount

Required staff certifications:

  • 1 Sales
  • 1 Operations
  • 1 Technician (technical support)
  • 1 Expert

IMTLazarus certifications are structured in four areas:

Ventas: training for the acquisition of knowledge in sales of IMTLazarus products in any educational environment.

Operations: Training administration staff in license activation processes and support workflows.

Technical: Infrastructure support training. IMTLazarus configuration training. Entrenamiento de configuración de IMTLazarus.

SME: Technical troubleshooting training. High-risk technical problem management support training.